To get a glimpse of your financial future, many businesses look at your past. In many places around the world, your financial history is contained in your credit report. The information in the report can determine everything from whether you qualify for a loan and the rate you'll pay on that loan to your prospects for renting an apartment or obtaining car insurance. A strong credit report is key to building and managing your finances.
Credit Report
What Is a Credit Report?
Your credit report is a profile of your financial history. It shows lenders, landlords and employers how you have managed money in the past and helps them decide whether to do business with you. Credit reports contain a consumer’s credit history including things like debts, bankruptcies, unpaid bills and credit card usage.
Who Can See Your Credit Report?
While they are not used everywhere, a credit report can and most likely will be reviewed by anyone planning to give you a loan or credit, such as lenders, banks, credit card issuers, auto financing companies, mobile phone providers, and insurance companies. Reports also may be checked by landlords and potential employers. In many places where credit reports are gathered and used, anyone with a legitimate business need can access your credit report, though an employer (or prospective employer) typically requires your written consent to do so.